Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mommy & Daddy Vazquez

This is my mommy and my daddy. :) They have been happily married for a little under 25 years. My mom is currently at home with me and my brother trying to keep us in line :). My dad is currently woring for cummings turbo technologies and boy, are they lucky to have him! My mom and dad are the best parents anyone could ever ask for. I love them very much. <3

Alma Vazquez

This is my sister Alma. Alma is the smartest and oldest of us kids. Alma is one day going to be a successful neurosurgeon and she is going to save lives. Alma was born prematurly (she was a little peanut) but luckily (for her ;P) she is with us today. :) Alma likes to plan trips with me and Leo. We will someday go to France and other places in Europe. I loved to go to Alma's old college with Leo and spend the weekend there. But, sadly, time moves on. <3

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Belinda Vazquez

Belinda Vazquez, or Sol like we call her. Oh how i miss her... she moved away about a century ago (early November) and i miss her and our times together :_( I guess she wanted to be independent (in need) she is currently working for a dermotalogist and i hope she likes it. I can't wait untill i get to see her smiling face and her fun personality... i miss her <3

Irving Vazquez

Wow, where to begin? As you can see in the picture Irving is a VERY talented guitar player. He is very relaxed and calm all the time. If you try to rain on his parade he will just dance in it. If you are feeling down he's the guy who will make you laugh until your mouth falls off... Irving and I have been close since that summer in Mexico (when the Potters were moving) and now he is leaving me soon to Austin Texas. Irving eats, sleeps, and breaths music, Literally. His tops are, i would say, Jack Johnson, AC/DC, Augustana, OAR, and Pink Floyd. Iring is currently 18 and he is working hard for his mission. :)

Dulce Vazquez

I am the second youngest in our family, I recently turned 14 on February 10, I enjoy reading, i still write, I'm currently am being homeschooled with BYU independent study and I got a panda hamster in November, I <3>

Leo Vazquez

Let me tell you about the youngest, Leo Vazquez, he has picked up a new obsession since the phantom of the opera, Halo 3! he loves everything about it! He has unlocked all the skulls, and he proudly shows his new Hayabusa armor, if you happen to be playing with Moboogie, watch out! Leo is currently 10 years old and is in the fourth grade, he also likes to go on "road trips" with me and Alma :)

Monday, February 18, 2008

New Hampshire!

Yes, it is true, we are moving to the best place in the USA, NEW HAMPSHIRE! We are moving there around March and i am so EXCITED! i seriously can't wait! I will be living in my old house in my old room, so it'll be like i never moved to the south, :( i don't really like it here... anyway, i will miss a few people here, but other than that, BYE!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I LOVE The Office! That show is the funniest show EVER! I am so glad the strike is over 'cause i was about to burst! I LOVE the characters. Angela is my favorite girl and Jim is my favorite guy :) Seriously, if you can't find it it, there will be a new episode on NBC (channel 2 in Summerville, SC) on April 10th! I seriously can't wait! :D
"Dwight, want an altoid?" ;)


Delilah is my new panda hamster, I got her in mid-November and I LOVE her :) She loves the usuall such as spinach, luttuce, but she LOVES to lick yogurt of my finger :) I can tell what are her favorite treats because she closes her eyes when she eats it. :)